Saturday, September 28, 2002

ACC Response to Friday's Events
At 1:00 pm on Friday, Sept 27, organizers from the Anti-Capitalist Convergence held a press conference in downtown DC, to discuss the day's actions.

We are disheartened by the violence which was perpetrated today by the police. Hundreds of people were arrested for doing nothing more than expressing their political beliefs using legal, nonviolent forms of protest and civil disobedience. Protesters and onlookers were shoved, beaten, and pepper sprayed by the police, who seemed determined to prove their "control" of the situation by hurting innocent people.

We cannot let our freedom to dissent be taken away, and we will not stop speaking out until we live in a world where everyone is free from exploitation and oppression, a world where one's survival and access to human needs aren't determined by one's economic means.

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