Tuesday, February 25, 2003

somebody should shoot that guy. i love jack chick. he's the shit.
the best thing is when the medical field can humilate you for as long as possible and as severely as possible. that's when you know they are doing their job. that's when you know they are putting to good use all that federally/pharmecutical funded medical school money. that's when you know they've got the hypocratic oath down.
ever had your balls wanded? no? well it's just fucking great let me tell you.
people complain about their work and blah blah blah and cry cry cry. well i haven't had a job for two and a half years. they stopped paying me unemployment a year ago--god bless the united states!--and i've been living out of friend's living room couches for six months. i'm about to run out of friends.
my microwave's timer can only go up to 99:00. fortunately, it only takes 97 minutes on power level 10 to cook my soul until it explodes.

Thursday, February 20, 2003
i'm definately not a pacifist. no way, no how. somebody's threatening me and mine with violent force? you betcha i'm going to stand by my friends and brothers in arms.

blow the assholes' fucking heads off, that's what i say. what are you going to do, wait for the baddies to run amok all over your land, blow your head off and then rape your wife and daughters?

that's what i thought. grab your fucking gun sissyboy.

Friday, February 14, 2003

i didn't know so many other people had a duct tape fetish?
just wondering

when porn stars or gay men do the whole anal thing, do they have to do an enema beforehand? how do they keep shit from getting everywhere?
i love this site: http://www.chick.com/
check out http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0042/0042_01.asp